Sympathetic fibers are distributed to all regions of the heart. 交感神经纤维分布于心脏的所有部分。
Conclusions: There are the nerve fibers connection between the cervical spinal ganglia and cervical sympathetic ganglia, and the nerve fibers connection is segmental distribution. 结论:从颈脊神经节至颈交感神经节之间存在神经纤维联系,且具有节段性分布规律。
FNS could increase the density of sympathetic or vagus nerve fibers for TH or CHAT staining positive in IZ and NIZ in myocardium of MI rats, so FNS could promote cardiac nerve regeneration. 因此,电刺激小脑顶核可增加梗死区和非梗死区心肌组织TH、CHAT染色阳性神经纤维密度,促进MI后心脏神经纤维再生。
The central effect of TRH is transmitted mainly via cholinergic fibers in the vagus. Sympathetic fibers are also involved. TRH中枢效应的传出途径以迷走胆碱能纤维为主,交感神经可能亦有一定的作用。
The component of sympathetic postganglionic fibers in the cervical vagus nerve of the goats 山羊迷走神经中的交感节后纤维成分
Origin of sympathetic postganglionic fibers for the kidney in 8 dogs was studied by using HRP method. 采用辣根过氧化物酶逆行追踪技术(HRP技术)将CBHRP注入狗的一侧肾脏,对8只狗肾脏交感节后纤维来源进行了研究。
Norepinephrine released from sympathetic postganglionic fibers activates specific adrenoceptors ( AR) on the basolateral surface of the acinar cells to regulate saliva secretion. 交感神经节后纤维释放去甲肾上腺素,通过与腺泡细胞膜表面的肾上腺素受体(adrenoceptor,AR)相结合调节唾液分泌。
Distribution of cardiac sympathetic afferent fibers of left atrium in guinea pig 沿交感神经传入的心脏感觉纤维在豚鼠左心房的分布
Conclusion: The regulation of pinealocytes function by the sympathetic nerve fibers entering the pineal body is primarily neurohumoral. 结论:提示进入松果体的交感神经纤维终末对松果体细胞活动的调控主要是通过神经体液途径。
The genital organ is innervated by autonomic and somatic nerve. The former is both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve and the later is comprised by sensory and motor fibers. 支配生殖器官的外周神经包括植物神经和躯体神经,前者又分为交感神经和副交感神经,后者分为运动神经和感觉神经。
Experimental study of distribution and innervation of sympathetic nerve fibers to external membrane of vertebral artery in rabbits 交感神经在兔椎动脉被膜节段性分布的实验研究
The origin of postganglionic sympathetic fibers of the cervical sympathetic trunk in milk goat with HRP method 奶山羊颈交感干节后纤维的起源&用HRP法研究
The gastric motility is mainly controlled by CNS ( central nervous system) at the level of brainstem, through para-sympathetic and sympathetic ways. The pre-parasympathetic fibers concerned with gastrointestinal functions are mostly originated from DMV ( dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus). 脑干是调节胃运动的基本中枢,迷走神经背核(dorsalmotornucleusofthevagus,DMV)是支配胃肠道副交感神经的主要中枢核团,经迷走神经传出,对胃肠活动进行调节。
Effects of stimulating sympathetic nerves on response properties of fine fibers 交感神经对细纤维反应特性的影响
Origin of Sympathetic Postganglionic Fibers in Kidney of Dogs 狗肾脏交感节后纤维来源的研究
After stimulating sympathetic nerves, the number of evoked discharges of A δ and C polymodal nociceptive fibers decreased ( P < 0 01), and the rate of inhibition was as high as 22.62% and 29.49%, respectively. 刺激交感神经后,Aδ纤维和C多型伤害性纤维的诱发放电数均明显减少(各P<001),抑制率分别为2262%和2949%。
Under normal conditions some catecholaminergic fibers innervate primary afferent neurons and there is no significant functional communication between sympathetic fibers and sensory neurons. 在正常生理条件下,初级感觉传入神经元上存在一些儿茶酚胺能神经纤维的支配,二者之间没有明显的功能联系。